Moulting Chickens - Why do my hens look naked?!

Our girls have been going through a pretty heavy moult over the winter months, they are just on the other end now with new pin feathers coming through!

Poultry moulting is a natural process that occurs in birds where they shed their feathers and grow new ones. This process is important for the health of the birds, as it helps to keep their feathers in good condition and ensures that they are able to regulate their body temperature effectively.

What is a moult?

Moulting is a natural process that occurs in birds where they shed their old feathers and grow new ones. This process usually occurs once a year, but can happen more frequently depending on the age and health of the bird. During the moulting process, birds may stop laying eggs temporarily, as their bodies are diverting energy to growing new feathers.

The moulting process can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the species of bird and the individual bird's health. It is important to note that during this process, birds may experience some stress and discomfort, as they are shedding their feathers and growing new ones.

Why is moulting Important?

Moulting is important for the health of poultry because it helps to keep their feathers in good condition. Feathers are important for birds because they provide insulation, protect the skin, and help with flight. If a bird's feathers are damaged or worn out, it can lead to health problems such as hypothermia, sunburn, and infections.

In addition to the health benefits of moulting, the process can also help to increase egg production in poultry. When birds go through the moulting process, they stop laying eggs temporarily, but once they have grown their new feathers, they will often begin laying again. This can result in increased egg production and improved profitability for farmers.

How to manage a moult

If you are a farmer or backyard chicken keeper, it is important to be aware of the moulting process in your birds and to take steps to manage it properly. Here are some tips for managing poultry moulting:

  1. Provide a balanced diet: Birds need a balanced diet with adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals to support healthy feather growth.

  2. Ensure adequate lighting: Poultry require at least 14 hours of light per day to maintain egg production. During the moulting process, birds may require additional lighting to help them grow new feathers and resume laying.

  3. Keep birds comfortable: During the moulting process, birds may experience some discomfort and stress. To help minimize this, provide them with a clean, dry, and comfortable environment with plenty of space to move around.

  4. Monitor health: Keep a close eye on your birds' health during the moulting process. If you notice any signs of illness or abnormal behavior, consult with a veterinarian.

Moults are most common during autumn, and in my experience, it usually happens between late September, October and November, just before it gets really cold.  It can be quite frightening as one day they can seem fine and fully feathered and the next morning you are faced with a coop full of feathers!