About Our White Leghorn
Breed Origin: Tuscany, Italy
Uses: Egg Layer
Weight:Large Fowl: Hen: 2-2.3. Cockerel: 2.4-2.7 kg
Hen Colour: golden duckwing, silver duckwing, partridge, brown, buff, exchequer, Columbian, pyle, white, black, blue, mottled, cuckoo, blue-red, lavender, red, crele and buff Columbian
Egg Colour: White
Egg Quantity: 300 per Annum
Av egg weight: 65g
They are highly inquisitive, friendly and active birds.
. About our birds:
We have a breeding flock of about 10 white birds and use more birds in the laying flock. We hatch all our stock on the farm for each new season from the best birds that meet the breeding standards.
Useful to know:
The name Leghorn is actually the anglicization of the word Livorno. Livorno is the port city in Italy from which the Leghorns were first exported to the USA in 1828. The breed then came to Britain in about 1870
out of all the traditional breeds this hen is definitely our most consistent egg layer. She lays pure white large or extra large eggs with strong shells. They are active birds and great free rangers. They are highly inquisitive and easy to socialise but will be flighty if startled. The are well able to fend for themselves and relatively frugal in their food requirement. They mix well with other breeds and are happy in a small coup as well. They should lay consistently well for 3 or 4 years. Leghorns have been bred to lay consistently so rarely go broody and make poor mothers. If you want a hen that is a regular layer of large eggs and doesn’t eat that much – the Leghorn is your bird! The feed to egg ratio is one of the best around, especially if they can free-range.