About our Rhode Island Red Chickens
Breed Origin: New England, USA
Uses: Dual purpose
Weight: Hen: 2.5-2.95 Cockerel: 3.5-3.85kg
Hen Colour: Rich Dark Red/Brown
Egg Colour: Light Brown to Brown
Average egg weight: 65g
Egg Quantity: 200 per Annum
They are both friendly and active birds.
About our birds:
We have a breeding flock of about 10 birds and a number of others in the laying flock. We hatch all our stock on the farm for each new season from the best birds that meet the breeding standards.
Interesting to know:
This is probably one of the best-known breeds of chicken in the world. It was developed from Asiatic black red fowls of Shanghai, Malay and Java types on farms in Rhode Island Province USA. They were first exhibited as Rhode Island Reds in 1880 in South Massachusetts. The breed has been especially popular for hybridising purposes. Being a gold, Males of the breed are utilised extensively in Gold-Silver sex-linked mating. We for example use a Rhode Island cock bird and a Plymouth Barred Rock hen (both parent stock are from the Muirfield Hatchery) to create the Muirfield Black rock Hybrid at our farm.